Monday, 2 May 2016

A pizzeria in New York has created a box made entirely out of pizza. Vinnie's Pizzeria posted a picture on its Instagram introducing 'The PIZZA BOX PIZZA', where a pizza and the edible box costs around $40. The pizzeria's co-owner Sean Berthiaume said that seeing pizza boxes in trash cans inspired him to make the zero wastage edible box.

Finally, someone decided to resolve the whole "round pizza, square box" problem. And, of course, the solution is more pizza.
Vinnie's Pizzeria in Williamsburg, Brooklyn tweeted out a picture of one of their pepperoni pies in a specially made box crafted from more pizza.
The pizzeria's owner, Sean Berthiaume, was inspired to made the delicious creation when he thought about how many pizza boxes end up in the trash every day.
"I thought, 'What if you can make something that you can eat every part of," he told NBC 4 New York.
The restaurant is now offering the special box to anyone who is a fan of infinite pizza. A pie plus edible box will cost around $40. Vinnie's is still working on a boxless delivery system for the new pie, such as wrapping it in a special foil or a bag.
"I like to experiment. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't," Berthiaume said.
Perhaps they can develop a pizza bag as well. 

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