Wednesday, 20 April 2016
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The journey for the Badshah from Shah Rukh Khan to Gaurav in Fan has been remarkable and painstaking.
Fan that stars Shah Rukh Khan in a double role released last week and has been received very well even though it’s not your typical SRK film. This movie first caught our attention for its unusual plot line that is far from your romantic dramas. Also, to see Shah Rukh Khan take on a double role was ‘twice’ as awesome for us! Dark edgy, racy, are words that come to mind when talking about Fan.
The plotline aside, Shah Rukh Khan has left us amazed (especially after Diwale) with his effortless performance for both his roles. Can you imagine he plays a movie star and also his fan? He makes it look unbelievably easy but let’s take a moment to realise this entire journey form a movie star to a fan must have been tedious and very hard. Can you imagine the amount of research, prosthetic make up and try out sessions that must have gone into the making of Gaurav? Well, when it comes to the Badshah, he’s not the one to compromise even if it means spending sleepless nights. For him, it’s about getting it spot on at all costs.
Do you want to know hwo the crew went about it? Well, we have a video right here that will tell you in complete detail how SRK turned Gaurav.
The director Maneesh Sharma’s first and foremost challenge was how could he possibly make a look alike of a star, fans have known for the past 20 years? According to him, Gaurav’s making required a lot of research and prosthetics. The irony was, Gaurav had to look alike and different at the same time.
One of the most shocking revelations was that the prosthetic experts abroad actually went on say this wouldn’t be possible but it was Haresh Hingarani and Keitan Yadav from Red Chillies Entertainment who instilled faith in Maneesh saying it would work out. Later, Greg Cannom the make up artist (who was also responsible for Brad Pitt’s Benjamin Button look) took up the challenge and came on board. In fact, Gaurav’s jawline was inspired by actor Brad Pitt’s jawline! Whoa!
We have only give you only a small bite of the entire journey. Why don’t you take a look at the video to find out how they went through the entire process?
We are sure, this video will make you see Shah Rukh Khan in a whole new light and your respect for him and the entire crew will grow by ten folds.
Don’t forget to catch him in action in FAN!
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