Be prepared for a few scheduling hiccups today. Suddenly, an unforeseen event could limit your free time and make you feel a little bit like you're under the gun. But have no fear! This rapid change of pace will not send you down a stressful path. Instead, it will be invigorating and bring out your competitive, aggressive nature. This will be a fun day, full of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat -- and ready for the next curveball to come your way!
Someone Is Suddenly Seeing You In A Brand New Light Today, And It Will Trigger Some Deeper Conversations. No Longer Will The Two Of You Waste Time In Small Talk -- You're Both Ready To Get To The Heart Of The Matter And Get Things Resolved. You Can't Expect Them To Reach Out For You, So Be Prepared To Do Some Of The Work First. Ask For Some Of Their Time, And Request Some Wise Advice. This Is A Wonderful Opportunity To Show Them That You Care About What They Think.
Today, you will get a lot more out of listening and learning than you ever could from getting a laugh, enjoying a flirtatious conversation, or relaxing with a friend. It's a serious day with serious rewards if you are willing to put for the energy require to earn them. Moving away from instant gratification might make you feel like you're depriving yourself at first, but you will soon realize that once you have fed your mind, you'll be that better at knowing how to feed your soul.Cancer
Your external world and your internal world are at odds right now -- you have great ideas, but you are not interested in shouting them out to the world. Something is keeping you introverted right now, and you need to just sit with it until it's over and you are ready to break out of your shell, again. This is a perfectly normal phase to be going through, so do not add stress to your life by worrying about it! Being alone may bring you comfort right now, and that's all that matters.
If you're feeling bored with the same faces in your group of friends, then maybe it's time for you to look to the past for your social future! Dig out your phone book and refresh your memory about friends who you've let slip away, either through change of life or change of job. You will quickly remember at least one cool person, and the chances are high that they would love to hear from you! Give them a call and see what's new in their life. Set a date and your 'bored' is cured!
NEW! Your Daily Video Horoscope
When you enter into a new group situation today, try not to be as socially cautious as you often are. There's no need to be intimidated! A little quick reasoning will tell you that you have plenty of things in common with these people, so if you are at a loss for what to talk about, start there! Conversation is an art, but you have your own special twist on it -- don't be afraid to strike up conversations, today. People will be more receptive than you think.
If you are not in the mood to be social right now, then the worst thing you could do would be to force yourself to go out. You cannot convince yourself to have a good time if you're just not feeling it! When you pretend that you're having fun, you won't be able to fool anyone -- your acting skills are just not that great right now. But even though you're not into hanging out with others, you will still have some good energy. You'll just be able to enjoy it more alone
Today, other people's money will cause you to think more about your own money. Either you don't have as much as someone and want more, or you have so much more than someone that you are feeling guilty. Either way, you can't let money come between you and a friend. Social plans should be organized with that in mind. Don't expect a struggling friend to be comfortable going out on the town in first class style. There are many, many ways to have fun without spending a dime -- start doing them.
Today, absolutely anything is possible. This day is a blank slate, and it's up to you to draw the picture you want to see. The outcome of anything you're involved in is totally up to you. The amount of energy and value you put into things is going to dictate the amount of energy and value that you get out of them. So get serious about things and be willing to work a little harder -- and work a little longer, if need be. This blank canvas won't intimidate you -- it will excite you!
You have been attracting flighty people lately -- and while it's been fun, it has also been fairly frustrating. So today it will do you well to take a break from people who always seem to cancel on you at the last minute. Call up one or two of the people who you know you can always count on and find out when you guys can get together next. You don't have to cut your ties with the people who are driving you nuts right now, either. Variety is the spice of life, and of friendships!
Today your sense of humor is in full force, and likely to be the most effective tool toward lighting up a tiny spark of romance in someone's eye. So that means it's a great day to flirt! Start a conversation with a funny observation and get the laughter flowing. There is nothing wrong with encouraging a flirtatious energy with a stranger, even -- it's only good fun, and as long as you don't make any promises that you don't intend to keep, it's perfectly polite too.
A few last minute changes will be required of you here and there today, especially if you are going to be traveling or about to embark on a trip. The good news is that your brain is sharp and firing on all cylinders, and you will be able to adapt and ride whatever waves come along. In fact, you'll get quite an ego boost out of being able to handle the twists and turns that the day throws at you with grace and aplomb. People will be amazed and impressed!
Today your sense of humor is in full force, and likely to be the most effective tool toward lighting up a tiny spark of romance in someone's eye. So that means it's a great day to flirt! Start a conversation with a funny observation and get the laughter flowing. There is nothing wrong with encouraging a flirtatious energy with a stranger, even -- it's only good fun, and as long as you don't make any promises that you don't intend to keep, it's perfectly polite too.
A few last minute changes will be required of you here and there today, especially if you are going to be traveling or about to embark on a trip. The good news is that your brain is sharp and firing on all cylinders, and you will be able to adapt and ride whatever waves come along. In fact, you'll get quite an ego boost out of being able to handle the twists and turns that the day throws at you with grace and aplomb. People will be amazed and impressed!
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