Tuesday, 12 April 2016


You've been too agreeable lately -- and you run the risk of being branded a pushover! Today, it's time to stand up for what you think is right. Don't back off from being the lone voice of dissent in the room. If something isn't right to you, then it isn't right! You deserve the chance to say your piece and have your thoughts be given just as much respect as everyone else's. No one is taking the spotlight away from you -- you've been giving it away. Take some of it back today.

You have become quite a trendsetter in your group, haven't you noticed? Your friends are starting to emulate the way you talk, the way you dress, even the way you laugh! You have been feeling good, and when you feel good you look good. And when you look good -- people want to follow your example! They think you have the secret to looking good and being happy. And whether you realize it or not, you do have it. Be as social as you possibly can, today.


The Zodiac Gemini Wds Wallpaper
When you think you've come across a great bargain or amazing, no-fail investment opportunity today, you had better stop and look more closely. Things are not what they seem, and it would be in your best interest to ask a lot of questions about what you are considering getting yourself into. Soon enough you'll get the sneaking suspicion that there are facts or imperfections that are being hidden from you. And when you get that feeling, you had better run for the hills!


You don't have to be as skilled as a professional chef to throw a dinner party -- so what else is stopping you? Your social circle needs a get together to look forward to, and they would love for you to host them. If you don't want to cook, then suggest a causal potluck or order pizza once everyone gets there. You have to stop worrying about your hosting abilities -- the people in your life just want to be hanging out with you. They don't expect you to be another Martha Stewart
There is no law that says you can't stir things up once in a while! Today, pick a controversial topic and ask someone smart what they think about it. Who knows whether any major drama will erupt or not -- but you will get a charge of out whatever happens. Hearing people's opinions is usually a great way to build your relationship with them, so choose a person to talk to who you want to spend some more time with. Flirting can be an intellectual pursuit.


Today you need to develop a more analytical attitude, especially when it comes to people you don't like. If they rub you the wrong way, so what? Do they really have an impact on your life and on your opportunities? If so, then you need to address it once and for all -- establish what your relationship will be with them and then never look back. But if they don't matter to your life, then don't let them matter! Move and don't give them the power to affect you anymore.


Today you will have an intense magnetic effect on people, which will be thrilling and fun. But keep in mind that while you are pulling some fabulous people into your orbit, you will also undoubtedly pull in one or two very insecure people, too. They are looking for someone to tell them how to live their life, and that is just not your style. Be careful not to make them think you play a bigger role in their life than you really do. Keep your distance.


If you are going to say something that might be tough for someone to hear today, first consider their temper. Is it easily triggered? If so, then make sure you start your conversation on a positive note! Talk to them about all the things about them that you appreciate and enjoy. Then, ease into the problem and focus on a positive outcome. Your way with words and kind smile will disarm them enough to help them hear what they need to hear without getting mad


Your fresh attitude is fresher than ever right now, and today it will help other people jump onto the happy wagon right along with you! This is a time full of brightness and laughter in your life, but there are one or two responsibilities that you need to make sure you take it seriously! But if there is anyone who can have fun while getting stuff done, it's you! So don't you dare think you have to give up one for the sake of the other. No one balances things quite like you.


If you are working on building a new romance, the best course of action for you right now is to take no action at all! Now is not the time for you to move any relationships forward -- especially new ones. Do not fall under the false assumption that you need to provide positive feedback or encouragement in order to keep someone interested. Let them simmer in their own juices for a while. Or better yet -- let them know that you enjoy being chased. And are worth chasing after!


Get ready to ride a gigantic wave of creative energy today -- it might hit you with little or no notice, so make sure you've always got a pen and paper nearby. Jotting down every little thing that pops into your head might not be very practical, but these little gems you write down will come in handy in a few weeks when you're looking for inspiration or something to do. Brilliant ideas will be flooding your brain, although they might not seem brilliant at first


Today it will be easy for you to see the truth behind any false fronts, so it's a great day for judging someone or picking a new member of your team. After a few minutes of light conversation you will be able to know who is genuine and who is full of it. There is at least one person who is trying to seriously make you believe something that isn't true, but they won't succeed. You are entering a phase of strength, clarity, and increasing confidence


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