Thursday, 14 April 2016

My Reflection Talk to me
    " Another person has gone missing. The last place they were seen was in their very bedroom. The only evidence of any type of struggle was their broken mirror. The mirror-" tchz! I signed and flopped back down after reaching over to turn the tv off.
    "Another one huh....?" Lately there has been very strange disappearances happening. What made these strange was there hasn't been any  clues whatsover.  The only thing could find was a completely shattered mirror. Shattered beyond repair so much that you can't even see your reflection in any of the shards. I, of course know what happened, but that's only because my reflection talks to me. 
    It first happened pretty long ago. I was a pretty lonely kid. I could never make any friends, and my parents were always at work, so I started talking to my reflection. It didn't talk back at first in the beginning of course. I knew it wouldn't. I never even expected it to. I mean reflections that talk back? No. That only happened in stories. However one day it did.
    Reflections don't really have any gender. Their main purpose is to take the form of whoever is in front of the mirror and keep them out of the mirror. To prevent us from seeing beyond them. They aren't even supposed to talk. They can though. Mine decided to eventually feeling bad about how lonely I was.
    I was very shocked, I was 16 at the time, I was even a little bit scared. After a bit though my reflection assured me that it wouldn't harm me. We grew closer  after that.  It told me many things. About how mirrors are portals and the purpose of reflections. It even told me other things. Things not even other reflections knew of, about the existence of other dimensions.
   Stories were just history of other dimensions. Anime, games, movies, books, comics, everything that could be considered just 'fictional' actually happened in some other dimension, or will eventually happen. It also knew many things of out own world. The secrets that many have buried deep. It told me many, many things.
   sometimes it would help me with homework, and sometimes...I unfortunately got glimpses into the mirror beyond my reflection. These little glimpse, extremely little, were enough to give me terrifying nightmares. I eventually got used to it though. It took years.
   I'm finally 22 now. I have a job at an art museum as a night guard. I usually spend my day before work playing video games, PC games and such. I  watch anime sometimes, or read manga, or even just books. Lately I've mostly been watching the news though.
   None of this matters. what matters is what's happening to the people who has been going missing. My reflection, I like to call her Adia which is my name, Aida, backwards. Adia told me that something has been going around killing reflections and pulling, or pushing people into the mirrors then destroying the mirrors completely so they can't go back.
    If someone enters a mirror that same mirror has to stay intact, as it's the only one they can go back into to get back to their world. She's worried that they might do the same for us.
   Another thing about entering a mirror though, the one where reflections lives is very, very, very dangerous and terrifying. Hell I've gotten quite terrifying night mares just by very little glimpses into the other side. Even though I got used to them they still bother me. I don't care though. Somebody needs to stop whover or whatever is pushing or pulling people in to the mirrors. I suppose it can only be me.
       There is a way past your reflection you know. All you need to do is ask them to move.

Still have guts??? Wait for another 24 hours.......

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