Do you like Indian gooseberries or amlas? If you said yes, then we suggest you should have a glass of amla juice eveey day, first thing in the morning. Ask why? Because of its immense health benefits. From controlling diabetes to improving your sex life, a glass of amla juice every day can work like wonders. Here is how.

- It keeps diabetes under control: A study published in the year 2004 in the journal Food & Function, stated that Indian gooseberries, thanks to its constituents like gallic acid, gallotanin, ellagic acid and corilagin have anti-diabetic properties that help lower blood glucose level, treat diabetic neuropathy and lower incidences of heart diseases in diabetics
- It keeps LDL cholesterol level down: If you are suffering from high cholesterol, a glass of amla juice can work wonders. A study in the journal, Menopause, showed that amla decreased LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol levels. Moreover, it also improved insulin resistance by suppressing triglyceride level too.
- It can treat cold and flu: Amla has many medicinal and therapeutic properties and is used for treating simple ailments like cold and fever
- It can prevent cancer: Amla is also reported to possess chemo-preventive effects, free radical scavenging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory activities, properties that are efficacious in treatment and prevention of cancer
- It helps heal mouth ulcers: Owing to the antioxidant and therapeutic properties, it also helps to deal with the bothersome mouth ulcers.
- It gives your hair volume and bounce: Being rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, amla does a whole lot of good to your hair too. Continuous consumption of amla like a glass of amla juice every day can give your hair volume and bounce.
- It is good for your skin: its antioxidative properties help keep your skin young and fight signs of ageing too.
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