Tuesday, 3 May 2016


It's easy to teach an old dog new tricks when the dog wants to learn them -- so if you are looking to pick up a new skill or get rid of bad habits, make sure you have the honest desire to do so. If you don't feel that strongly about change, then you are just wasting your time trying to attain it. Are you letting other people's expectations drive your goals? You have to make sure that your ambitions are you own, otherwise they are never going to inspire you.


It's the right day for any power struggles -- you're clear-headed and there is no way that you can lose a fight! Just make sure that while you're busy fighting for what you want, you aren't losing focus on the more important things around you (like personal relationships)! Other people, not power, should be your top priority right now. So only get into it if you have to -- as skilled as you are besting the competition, at heart you're a lover, not a fighter!

Today you are much more open to using your mind in new ways and thinking through foreign (or even uncomfortable!) ideas. It might be frustrating to figure out some of the heavier concepts right now, but it will also be very rewarding. Your brain needs some exercise, and you are going to be in a position to give it a fantastic workout. Do not shy away from that certain person who always intimidates you. If there was ever a day to engage them in conversation, it's today!

A small complication or drama will pop up today, but don't worry -- it's nothing that will concern you, so there is no need for you to concern yourself with figuring it out. Just sit back and watch as people who have different ideas about what to do try their best to solve the issue. They might not get as far as you would with it, but it's good for them to try. You can't go around solving everyone's problems, all the time, can you? Focus your troubleshooting skills on your own issues for a while.

Today, putting physical energy into changing your intimate surroundings will energize you and fill you with a sense of pride that you haven't felt in quite a while. So it's the perfect day for minor or major household renovations -- slapping a new coat of paint on the kitchen walls, buying a few new throw pillows for the couch, knocking down a wall, or even building a barbecue pit! You have a vision for how you want to change your home, and it's about time you realized it.

When you're dealing with new people in any kind of group situation today, you need to take your ego out of it. There is no reason to try to impress upon them how wonderful you are -- they will be able to figure that out on their own, soon enough. Although your routine has changed recently, you should not feel threatened by new people who are taking over some of your responsibilities. They are here to help you, and you need to let them help. Be careful not to get too defensive.

Having a carefree life doesn't require you to forgo all of your responsibilities and live like a free spirit. If you are trying to focus on just having a good time right now, don't make the mistake of clearing your calendar in order to do it. Having commitments helps you appreciate your downtime all the more, so be sure to keep a healthy balance between work and play right now. If you have no reason to wake up in the morning, or no place to feel useful, you'll never truly be happy.

You should spend at least some of your day trying to stimulate your mind with innovative ideas or new philosophical concepts. You might get confused and even a little bit frustrated, but you will also learn a lot -- and that is what is important. That is what creates new paths for you to pursue in your life. Stop by a modern art museum, go to an arty foreign film, or just listen to a radio station you've never heard before. Be open to new ideas -- it's the best way to improve yourself.

Your creativity has always been a big part of your intelligence, but never more so than right now -- the tasks you're working through require the kinds of smarts that you have in spades! This is a very exciting time for you, full of unique people who are helping you to see things in a new light. There might be a frustrating person in the mix, but although they rub you the wrong way from time to time, the sensation they leave you with is always positive.

Sometimes, your dreams are just silly and weird plays that your subconscious performs at night -- not visions of what your future holds. So if disturbing images have been keeping you tossing and turning lately, don't worry too much about it. This is just a phase and will be over soon. Turn your attention away from your dreams, because you can't control them. Instead, start exerting more power over your waking hours. Then you'll start to see things change.

You might feel like all of your emotions are going to spill out of your mouth at any moment today -- and so what, if they do? You'll be surrounded by people who respect and even admire you. There is nothing you can say or confess that will make them change how they feel about you! You have much too much good credit built up with them already. So don't be afraid to speak the truth today. People will listen to and be affected by it. Compassion is all around you.

Your subconscious is extremely active right now -- maybe too active! It's so full of ideas and questions that you are going to have trouble with your routine, today. When you have too many thoughts zooming around in your head, it's hard to focus on typing in the right password to the ATM, counting out the right amount of change to the cashier, and even making sure your shoes and socks match! The good news is that all of this ruminating will result in some pretty cool ideas very soon.

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