Tuesday, 19 April 2016

AriesWhen something confuses you today, don't get annoyed -- get curious! Facts that don't line up are clues that you should follow. For example, if there is confusion over cleanliness, perhaps you need to get rid of the clutter in your life? This could be a sign that you need to toss out the bad attitudes, negative feelings and self-doubt you have been holding on to for far too long. Look to the things that give you pause in your daily routine -- you need to address them on a deeper level.

Taurus  There will be a bit of a power struggle going on early today, so you will have to keep your eye on the ball in order to win. No matter who wins the battle technically, you want the prize. You deserve some major recognition, but you're not going to get it if you stay wrapped up in some petty squabble or competition. You have to rise above this and focus on what is right for you, not on keeping that other person from getting it, too. Stop paying so much attention to others and pay more attention to yourself.


Are you taking action today? Then take it seriously! If someone wronged you or is sending too much negative energy your way, then you need to stand up to them as early in the day as possible. You are ready for the confrontation, and you are confident that you will prevail. And your confidence is well-founded. The stars are sending you a lot of inner strength right now, and there is practically no way that you won't come out on top. You'll have your opponent on the ropes in no time.

A few people will need your help today, but don't worry -- you will be glad to give it! You are feeling generous and will be very willing to give extravagant amounts of time, advice or even money if you are in the position to do so comfortably. There are many erratic energies humming around your circle of friends and family right now, and you seem to be the only person who has got it all together, at the moment. It's no wonder they look to you for a calmness that will help them with their life.

Today, it's time for you to be in the audience cheering someone else on. So step offstage and into the wings -- let someone else bask in the spotlight for a while. Singing the praises of other people and applauding a job well done costs you nothing -- and it will mean so much to the people receiving your adulation! Your opinions matter to a lot of people, and it is too rare that you share them. Try to be more forthcoming with your assessments in the future.

Your latest accomplishment is brightening your life tremendously, so it's only natural to spread some of that light around. But don't brag too much about it -- it's way too easy to drift over the line of being justifiably proud of yourself and into the territory of being a total bore. People want to applaud you, and they want the chance to pat you on the back -- and then be done with it. Droning on and on about your situation will only start to bring diminishing returns. Be sensitive to that.

Avoid sharing too much of your intimate life with others today -- especially people who are new to your life. So if someone you don't know very well asks you a personal question, don't be too specific with your answers. Stay general and vague about what you do in your free time, where you live, and even your marital status. It's not that you need to be unfriendly, it's just that you need to keep the boundaries clear until you know more about them.

Respect and embrace the unique qualities of other people today. While not everyone you encounter today is going to delight and impress you, they all deserve respect. You'll be missing out on some really neat people if you assume they aren't worth talking to or listening to based on what they look like, what they are wearing, or who they are hanging around with. Watch yourself, to keep from becoming too judgmental. You'll only be depriving yourself of good things.

It's a great time for you to get what you want today, because luck is definitely on your side. Whether you want to get some more face time with the boss, the phone number of that cutie, or just a killer parking space, it will be yours. The way things seem to just fall into place -- and into your favor -- will keep your spirits high all day long, and help you clear your mind. This is a great day to start thinking about plans for the future -- vacations, job goals, and more.

Reconnecting with a person from your past is more important to your future than you think it is. Someone you used to work with, date or go to school with could make a valuable connection for your career, so get in contact with them today and find out what's going on. While you are reaching out, consider integrating them into your life in a more major way -- they are more deserving of your time than they used to be. Give them another chance to be your friend.

You will need to help come up with a compromise in a group situation today, but luckily your diplomacy skills are stronger than ever! So be confident that you can ensure clear, concise communication and help everyone feel heard and valued -- and feel like they are getting what they need. Encourage everyone to talk more slowly, and listen to each other all the way through, before responding. The sooner you step up and tell people what to do, the sooner all the tension will be over.

Make an effort to get more grounded today -- you had better give yourself a reality check before someone gives it to you! Slow down and keep things simple. Avoid making any major purchases and put on a pair of your comfiest jeans. Who are you trying to impress? It's the right day to spend time with people who accept and adore you for who you are on the most basic, flawed level. The true you, minus any public persona, is awesome, after all!

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