Sunday, 17 April 2016

Trying to be perfect takes too much energy -- so stop trying! You need to understand that just being yourself makes you much more desirable than you would be if you were trying to be someone else's idea of a perfect person. Stick to your own identity. Not only is it simpler, it's so much more fun! You'll always be confident when you're going by what you truly believe. When you try to guess what the 'right' answer is, you end up getting into trouble.

   No one can intimidate or manipulate you, today -- you will be content to stay on your own path and stick to your own plan. The folks who seem to be trying so hard to get you to change your mind and do things their way don't seem to be very happy. So why do they think they know what they are talking about? You are the person who is best suited to being in charge of your life, and you should feel free to tell anyone that. It's a great way to get the naggers off your back!


Your mind is much more focused around the small details of time, place and budget today -- but not everyone else is as detail-oriented as you are right now, and they just want to have fun! Therefore, they could be pushing you to cut corners, spend more or go faster than you think is advisable right now. Instead of searching for a compromise, you should stick to your guns and push right back when they start pushing you. Their priorities are not in the right place, but yours are.


It might start to feel like there are two of you today -- your public self and your private self have been doing different jobs and it's starting to feel weird. But every once in a while you have to play a role for the public's sake, so don't go worrying that you are losing your true and genuine self. Be very wary of the people who want you to only be one of your many selves all of the time. If you think it's right to emphasize a certain part of yourself and de-emphasize another, then trust that.

You can't let yourself feel guilty if you have to put your long term relationships on the back burner for now. After all, the people who care about you care about you. They understand that sometimes you've got important things going on in your life that deserve your full attention. They are very sensitive people, but that sensitivity is only applicable to your feelings. They are not so sensitive that they will take it personally if you have to cancel a dinner or say no to a party invitation.

Keeping in touch with your friends is extremely important in life, but so is getting back in touch with yourself! Being aware of who you really are and what you really want out of life isn't something that comes without careful and deliberate focus. Plus, it takes time -- so if you are feeling the urge to knock off the social stuff for a while and just hang by yourself, do it. Once you separate from the distractions of other people, you will be able to come to some important conclusions.

The flexibility you are so famous for is taking a backseat today -- you are all about having a plan and sticking to it, no matter what anyone else says. This will turn out to be a very good thing in terms of your progress. You won't tolerate any distractions and will rip through your 'to do' list like nobody's business! Your 'no compromises' manner might put a few people off, but only the folks who are trying to slow you down. And there won't be many of those.

There is an exciting energy and lots of possibility around you right now. Today is a day when you can really show someone influential people how you are different from everybody else around you. Let your freak flag fly -- be proud of your idiosyncrasies! They are what make you special, and they are what make you worth getting to know better. So step forward and let yourself go get some time in the spotlight. You'll make yourself proud and you'll make quite an impression. New things are starting for you.

You need to make some more room in your life for just goofing off! Why not give yourself permission to follow your mood every once in a while? Daydreaming never hurt anyone, and it certainly won't slow you down long enough today to hold you back from making progress. It's not a waste of time to imagine what life would be like if things were different -- it's a good way to stay creative! You need to make sure that you have at least a couple hours of free time today.


A friend or loved one has been acting out of character, and today is a good day to try to get to the bottom of it. But be very careful not to push them too hard about it -- just casually ask about what is new in their life. Chances are, they will open up when they understand you aren't going to judge them. But if they don't, you should not take it personally. They aren't rejecting you, they just don't feel like sharing yet. You need to respect that and give them space.

If you can get a little bit more analytical about your emotional life today, you should make great progress is solving one particular problem that's been hounding you. When you get some free time later in the day, take yourself out for coffee or a long walk and just think. Examine the repeated patterns that have shown up in your life. Dissect where you are and where you want to go. There is a small change you can make to end the cycle and start off on a more rewarding and exciting path.

Motion and travel is highly favored for you right now, so get moving! Even if you just take a walk around the block, you will find plenty of fascinating sights and sounds to entertain you during your brief journey. Music will also bring you a lot of joy today, so put one of your favorite playlists and give it a listen while you are cooking, cleaning, or doing some other type of semi-mindless activity. Music will make it all more enjoyable.

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