Monday, 11 April 2016



A friend who has been all talk and no action has been getting on your nerves for some time now -- it could be time to make a decision about them. You don't need people in your life who disappoint you over and over again. Have a talk with them, today, and find out what's been behind all of their empty promises. Stop giving them 'one more chance' and don't be afraid to cut them loose from your life. They need you much more than you need them. Any awkward social scenes you fear will not materialize, so don't worry.
If you feel like you are running out of time, then you just might be. Listen to your gut and do what it tells you to do. If you feel like you should be in a hurry, then speed up! But if you want to obey your slower nature, then do that. People might get a bit of whiplash watching you today, since your energy is likely to vacillate back and forth all day long. But it will be okay -- you'll still have fun riding that roller coaster of energy up and down.
The Zodiac Gemini Wds Wallpaper
Sometimes, anger makes a person do silly things -- for example, are you giving the silent treatment to someone you've had a fight with recently? Communication is the only way to resolve the issue, so what you're doing now is only wasting time and feeding the anger. You need to get in touch and clear the air today. Forget your pride, forget figuring out who is right and who is wrong. You two are different people, and you will just have to agree to disagree.


One of your personal relationships has been bothering you lately -- harsh words were exchanged, and now you're wishing you could learn to stop staying things before you think them through! If an apology is in order, make it quick -- the longer you delay letting this person know that you know you screwed up, the worse the damage will be. Everyone makes mistakes, but only people of quality know when they have to learn from them. It's a good thing that you are such a good student!
Instead being annoyed by talkative people today, you will enjoy debating them and learning from what they have to say -- and boy, do they have a lot to say! You're intrigued and entertained by their point of view, and will have a blast seeing how they interpret things through their own special filter. Try not to laugh at them, though -- their ego is a lot more fragile than yours, and your good-natured ribbing could sound like an insult to them..


On the job, you need to focus more on the decision-making process -- and less on the latest juicy gossip that your disgruntled coworkers are spreading around. Get serious. Digging into how choices are made will help you anticipate what the next one will be -- and help you get exposure to the more important and influential people at your office. In your personal life, it's time to be honest with that special someone. Open up and let them all the way into your heart..


The communication between you and another person is getting very complicated -- texts, emails and even voice messages do a poor job of conveying what you really need to say to them. So it's time for you two to have a one-on-one meeting -- make sure you schedule it today. You are working under some assumptions -- and while they could be correct, they could also be very wrong. Get them cleared up and then the two of you can continue growing closer!


Trying to avoid conflict between you and a coworker is easier said than done, but that doesn't mean you should give up and just go for a fight. Today, getting into an argument or even a friendly debate is going to be way more counterproductive than you can imagine. It will ignite tempers and get people way off track. Be the peacemaker, be the negotiator, and do your best to keep everyone happy -- even if that means you'll have to put off your own happiness for a while


Trying to figure out what is motivating other people is a waste of your time, so if you have been wringing your hands over a mysterious situation, stop. If someone isn't going to tell you what you need to know, they aren't going to tell you -- no matter how long you wait or how many hoops you jump through. Move on today, and disengage from such childlike behavior. They have been having too much fun stringing you along, and you're no puppet. Too bad for them.


Today is a day for gathering information. Learn more about that new person on the scene. Do an internet search on that place you've always wanted to visit. Ask coworkers about their recent experiences with the boss. Getting a better grip on what is going on around you right now and on what you want to do next is not only going to be incredibly valuable, it will be fun! Plus, your financial stability and your emotional stability could depend on the information you learn today.


You are especially in tune with other people right now, and could even be able to shock them with your insights. Go ahead -- try to guess what number they're thinking, or what they want to eat for lunch. Go out on a limb with your guesses and you are probably going to get a shocking amount of things right. This level of psychic connection you're feeling with other people will encourage you to live life a lot more informally than you normally would, which means you'll have a lot more fun!


There is an art to playing hard to get. Push it too far, and you will end up missing out on an amazing relationship. So if you are working on luring a new romantic interest, you need to keep in mind that not everyone has the energy, attitude or drive to knock down every brick of the wall you've put up. They'll only try for so long, so before they give up and go away, reach out to them today. You've been bewildering to them for too long. Make the connection..


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