Monday, 11 April 2016



Today marks the beginning of a new phase for your life -- suddenly, your outlook is going to be much more positive. You understand that things are possible, and that you are capable! Starting new adventures and tackling new challenges feels exciting instead of intimidating, and your ambitions are going to be reawakened. This is a perfect day to take on a new goal -- pick the toughest one on your list and start moving towards it, today. Success might be a long way off, but it is coming!


Things between you and a new cutie are just getting started, but don't rush out and make any commitments in regards to this relationship -- don't even make dinner reservations just yet! You need to take it slow unless you want to get in over your head. Right now you need to leave things set on a low heat, and let the boil come naturally. Before things get any deeper, you should spend more time alone. Reconnect with yourself before you give part of who you are away to another person.


The Zodiac Gemini Wds Wallpaper
Whether you are prepared for it or not, you will finally get the challenge you have been itching for! So clear your mind and focus on staying cool under pressure. Fulfilling all of your hopes and wishes is possible in life only if you take things slowly and deliberately. You are so close to your dream that you can just about taste it, today, but you can't let all of your excitement make you lose your concentration. Don't dive in -- start by wading into the shallow end until you're comfortable.


You can finally put an end to the friction you've been feeling with an authority figure today -- if you just give in and agree to let them be the boss! You might be pushing back just for the sake of pushing back, or maybe you want to show them how tough you are? Either way, this is not the time for it. Your goals are not different than theirs, so focus on the areas you two agree about. You are making this harder than it needs to be. Give in and give yourself a break.


This could be one of those days when whatever you do will be fun -- you could have a good time doing anything, if you stay positive! You should feel entitled to having good luck and no pressure, and then that is exactly what you will have. Put off the boring stuff and forget your errands for now. This is time for you to clear your schedule and let the day take you wherever it takes you. There's not a lot of pressure on you now, so make the most of it.


Don't take things too seriously right now -- whatever you're mixed up in has a long way to go before it's finalized, so you can feel free to lighten up and step back a bit from work for a while. Doing so will help you stay high spirited and smiling, which will make it a lot easier to make a flirtatious connection -- if you're looking to start something new, that is. Otherwise, it will just feel nice to slow down and get reacquainted with the simple things.


Giving someone a helping hand is something you should do because it's the right thing to do -- not because you want people to see you as selfless. Find another way to promote yourself, don't get other people involved in it. There's nothing wrong with trying to make the world see you in a certain light, but there's no need to create a big drama around it. Your best advertisement is to just be yourself. Putting on an act that you want people to see is just exhausting.


Regardless of whether it's a major or minor life change that you have in mind, today is the day to start making it. The stars are highly favoring new beginnings, today. From starting a new diet to starting a new job, there is so much good energy flowing right now that what you start today will surely end in success. Use your energy to the max and get things going in the right direction as quickly as you can. That way, you will start to see the rewards of these changes more quickly, too


Unless you have a crush on a mind reader, you need to start being more obvious about your feelings if you want a new romance to bloom! And if there's no current cutie to crush on, then be more romantic towards your very own self! Take yourself out, show yourself a good time, and enjoy the fact that as a solo act you can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it. That freedom is priceless, and it's something you should consciously enjoy more often.


The goal you have set for yourself is extremely attainable if you persevere! Today the contest is yours to lose, so there's no need to worry about ending up with the short end of the stick. If you concentrate and stick to your carefully laid plans, all will be well. Avoid flighty people, and avoid making any changes in your schedule. Things are all lined up and ready to go. Don't disrupt the flow that you have established, or else you will set yourself back significantly.


Suddenly, your daily routine is going to feel comforting, not boring. This is good news, because it doesn't look like there will be much variation in the upcoming weeks. The patterns of your life are coming together to form a very interesting picture, and you'll be quite content to live through it. All your questions are going to get answered, and you're going to get a very strong confirmation that the recent tough decision you made was the right one.


You've got a very sharp mind, and it's sharper than a razor right now -- use it to cut through the baloney that someone will be spewing today. They might be able to create an illusion that other people buy into, but you are not as gullible as other people. So have fun with it. Play along if you like, like a cat plays with a mouse -- and let them think they've got you fooled. Or you can blast them right in front of everyone. It's up to you how you play it, but just try to be compassionate.


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