I stepped through. Horror filled my body as I saw what lay beyond the mirror. Everything was in chaos. Disgusting creatures killing each other, screams, blood and other unknown liquids covered the grounds, and so much one. "Wh-what the hell....?" I knew it would be disturbing but not at this level. Film makers could only dream of creating scenes like this. "I told you it wasn't pretty." I turned to my my left, there stood Adia. "Yes but.... whatever. It doesn't matter let's move on. We need to figure out game plan." I decided to ignore the scenery for now, which was a mistake. " Oh shit move!" Adia jumped on me knocking me down to dodge something. "Oof! The hell?" She got off me and I stood up reaching my hand to my gun handle. The creature stared at me with hollow eyes and a twisted grin, rows of sharp needle-like teeth filling it. It was only wearing torn shorts. It's stomach had a mouth too. Also with rows of needle-like teeth. "Ok time to go." Adia grabbed my arm and we ran.
A bit later we stopped panting, trying to catch our breath. "That... huff...What...?" I tried asking what attacked us but was too out of breath. Adia understood what I meant anyways. "That.... was a corrupted being. Sometimes humans end up here in multiple ways, and they become gruesome beasts. That only happens when another beast with certain abilities to transform others use those abilities on them. Like what you humans call werewolves, vampires, ghouls, etc.," She explained. "And I'm assuming they sometimes get out into the human world and that's how us humans learned and created many stories of them?" I questioned. "Yes. Kind of. One needs the help of a reflection though. Only reflections can control travels into mirrors." I stood up from my kneeling position. "I see. So the one we're looking for is either a reflection or has ties with one." "Yes" "Well at least we have a little info... kind of". I sighed. This might be harder than I thought. "Let's move on before we're attacked again." "Alright". I followed after Adia wondering If I'll survive.
After a while of walking aimlessly, we decided to stop and rest. I pulled out a water bottle from my bad, and took a swig. I rag a hand through my hair. "How are we gonna find clues in this place..?" I questioned. "We should probably check out other mirrors. Or something..." Adia replied. I hummed. " Alright there should be one nereby" Adia stood up and I followed." Alright. Let's go". And we began walking once again.
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